PDX 15 Commitments FORUM
What is a 15 Commitments Forum?
Rooted in the best selling book, The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership – A new paradigm for sustainable success, it is a laboratory: a place to practice consciousness and conscious leadership with a group of like-minded leaders. The intention is to support each member to live his or her life’s purpose in a way that is deeply enjoyable. This Forums is led by a certified Conscious Leadership Group facilitator.
What is the unique value of a Forum experience?
This particular group format provides unrivaled learning experiences and outcomes:
• The group feedback process is invaluable for revealing and remedying long hidden blind spots and unconscious commitments. Issues that have been recycling can then come to resolution.
• An unwavering commitment to transparency allows everyone’s most authentic self to come forward.
• A group dedicated to aligning with The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership creates a rare climate of trust that sets the stage for unprecedented transformation.
Who can participate?
People who:
• Take conscious responsibility for their influence in the world and therefore claiming themselves as leaders.
• Commit to curiosity, value learning over being right and are open to giving and receiving feedback.
• Are dedicated to living in alignment with the 15 commitments of conscious leadership.
How many people are in a forum?
The PDX 15 Commitments Forum is made up of 7-10 members and 1 facilitator.
What is the time commitment?
7 months total; 6 monthly four-hour meetings and a two-day retreat.
Where do forums meet?
In a home, office or other meeting space of a forum member or the facilitator.
How much does it cost?
Are scholarships available?
What is the refund policy?
At the end of the first forum meeting, members will be given the opportunity to leave the forum with a full refund. After that, there is no refund of any kind.
Is there an attendance policy?
Yes, every member agrees to attend at least 5 of our 6 forum meetings and the two-day retreat. All meetings are 8:30am-12:30pm:
- Nov 6
- Dec 18
- Jan 15
- Feb – date of 2 day weekend retreat TBD with Forum members
- March 18
- April 15
- May 20
Are there other requirements?
1. Every forum member agrees to have a personal meditation practice.
2. Every forum member agrees to have a learning partner from the forum with whom they talk at least 30 minutes a week.
3. Every forum member agrees to post on the private forum webpage once a week giving a status update and to comment on other member’s updates (30 minutes a week time investment).
4. Every forum member needs to know their enneagram type. The Forum facilitator may require members to have an enneagram assessment with a CLG coach to determine or confirm your enneagram type. Cost is $300 dollars.
5. Every forum member agrees to read The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership.
How is the 15 Commitments forum different from other practice groups?
This Forum focuses on context. Most groups focus on the content of a member’s issue. We listen in order to understand the content but our primary focus is on the context from which the content arises. In doing so, we support members in permanently resolving issues. Watch this video to learn more about the relationship between context and content.
We believe that the deepest transformation comes when a facilitator has mastery in both the 15 commitments and coaching others. Therefore, all of our forums are facilitated by trained and certified CLG coaches. Our forums prioritize self-awareness over socializing, giving business advice, or networking.
(Adapted from The Conscious Leadership Group)