I guide leaders and organizations in the leap from concept to practice.
Both the concepts and practice models you have already learned aren’t sustainable. This one is. We are overlaying a whole new ball game for the 21st century.
Together, we integrate the tools of Conscious Leadership to effect enthusiastic, long-lasting change because of genuine buy-in at all levels.
Traditional leadership tools fail to address the divide between who people are and who they think they are supposed to be in the workplace. The Conscious Leadership approach understands that we all bring our personality patterns, baggage and biases into the workplace. The Conscious Leader becomes aware of their patterns and biases and learns how to get “unstuck”.
I bring practices and tools you can integrate into your day-to-day collaborations so you remove drama from the work place.
Imagine your work environment; self-aware leaders with the mindset, skills and shared language necessary to unlock solutions and innovate in the ever increasing complexities of today’s world.
More curiosity. Less conflict.
More engagement. Less apathy.
More ease. Less ego.